As always, our many thanks go out to you, our supporters and volunteers. Over the past 50 years, Moriches Bay Historical Society has developed an exceptional working relationship with municipal agencies, and public/private funding sources. Our partners in preservation and restoration extend beyond the following list:
New York State Office of Parks and Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP)
- State and National Register pending; preliminary application submitted
Suffolk County Department of Parks, Recreation and Conservation
- Grant for educational materials
- Grant for restoration materials
Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, Inc.
- Grant for acquisition of four Havens-Pelletreau letters
- Matching grant for repair of Havens Homestead roof

Other Corporate Sponsors
- John and Elaine Kanas Family Foundation
If you, a family member, or friend has time to spare and would enjoy helping us keep our goals of sustaining the Havens Homestead as a House Museum and Cultural Center, call 631-878-1855, email [email protected] or stop by. Volunteers to act as docents, colonial artisans, musicians, and help at the Museum Shop, Book Barn, and our gardens.